So starting Wednesday night this is how my weekend begins: Sarah and I solve the bull shit rumor mill started hate fest (AWESOME) go to bed at midnight feeling better then I have in the past week and a half or so that I had been thinking she had betrayed me. Get up at 3:30am to get Bobby to the airport. Talk all the way down, get breakfast, oogle the guy wearing Armani working at the gas station and get him checked in and gone :( (only sad part of my weekend) Get home, change, go to work. I am in the best mood ever from fixing things with Sarah (and possibly the arizona energy tea thing I had) so I rocket around ALL day getting things done and singing my happy little heart out about anything!! THEN get off work, go home, the friends gather and we all go en masse to see........STAR TREK!! HOLY MOTHER GODS IN HEAVEN IT WAS ENLIGHTENING!!! I cried within the first three minutes (I NEVER cry at movies) then the ENTIRE movie I am on the edge of my seat, screaming, laughing, terrified and in awe of what is unfolding in front of me. I LOVED it!! I am going to see it again as soon as BObby gets home and can come watch it with me!! After the amazing cinematic adventure of epic win, the friends and I go to our dear mormons house and consume massive quantities of Chocolate milky goodness...heavenly it was. The we disperse as it is now 2 in the morning and I have been up since 24(ish) hours prior. SLEEP! OH dear lord how I slept! Got up at 7 to go give Sausage (Diabetic kitty with thumbs) his insulin (I'm pet sitting) then came back and went back to sleep. :) hmmm....sleep. Woke up refreshed and energized......CLEANED!!! Our place look beautiful! and smells amazing too! Then wen to the DMV to renew my tag, which then led me to work to fax my current insurace paper work to the commy bastards who suspended my tag....assholes. Taken care of! Go home shower, go give sausage his insulin then off to downtown with Sarah, Robert, Ellen and the Gabe for food and TRIPLE COBRA!!!! Triple cobra is an AMAZING band the hails from San Fransisco. The...are....gods.....and Goddesses :) The girls in the group (two of them) Are GORGEOUS!! And wear Burlescey type costumes and dance and sing as the Adonis of a lead singer belts out the glory that is his voice and song writing! HOLY CRAP I NEEDED A TOWEL!! They were fantastic and made my grin so hard my face hurts! SO now I am home and going to bed. More plans for the weeekend have been ...well...planned and I have to work in the morning (6 hours from now) So I go sleepy! I love you all!!