2010 in Writing

Dec 29, 2010 16:11

So, here's the yearly writing round-up. This shall be the year known mostly for me stumbling across
comment_fic... and never leaving.

See below the cut for assorted fic (mostly drabbles) listed by fandom. And I do love feedback if you're that way inclined!

Alice (SyFy)
The Beach (Alice/Hatter)

Predator (Huntress)
Questionable Actions (Huntress/Question)
Speak When You Are Angry (Huntress, Dick Grayson)

Doctor Who
A Puzzle in the Mind (Donna Noble, Ten)
A Siren's Song (Amy Pond)
A World of Imagination (Amy Pond)
Afraid of the Dark (Amy Pond)
Fickle Fate (Amy Pond)
The Home for Lost Souls (Martha Jones)
The Problem With Amy (Amy Pond, Eleven)
The Promise of Insanity (Eleven)
The Stuff of Nightmares (Amy Pond)
White Magic (Amy Pond, Eleven)

An Eternity (Methos)

The Architect (Dom Cobb, Ariadne)

Percy Jackson & the Olympians
An Impossible Truth (Sally Jackson/Poseidon)

Pirates of the Caribbean
Redemption (James Norrington)
The Song of the Sea (Elizabeth Swann/Will Turner)

Never Far Away (Helen Magnus)

Sherlock (BBC)
Seeing Things As They Are (girl!John/Lestrade)
The Source of all Anxiety (girl!John/Lestrade)
Utterly Impossible (girl!John/Lestrade)

Burden (Chloe/Oliver)
Denial (Chloe, Chloe/Oliver)

Star Trek
In the Name of Exploration (girl!Kirk/Bones, Spock)

Star Wars
Alone (Jaina Solo, post-Legacy of the Force)
Vast Emptiness (Wedge Antilles

Stargate Verses
Kitchen Chemistry (Sam, Jonas and Teal'c)
Listen (Teyla)
Midnight (Cam Mitchell)
Passing the Truth (Sam Carter)

The Beginning of the End (John Winchester)
Beyond This Dusty Road (Ellen Harvelle)
Bloodlines (Michael, Adam)
Blowing in the Breeze (girl!Dean/Castiel)
Brothers (Adam, Dean, Sam)
Falling from Favour (Lucifer)
Flood (girl!Dean/Castiel)
Legacy (Jo Harvelle)
May Death Strengthen My Resolve (Jo & Castiel)
Rememberance (Dean, Castiel, Lisa)
Those We Have Lost (Dean, Castiel)
To Stand In Awe and Be Humbled (Jo & Castiel)

Tin Man
The Weight of the Soul (Wyatt Cain)

The Vampire Diaries
Knife's Edge (Elena/Damon)

A Mind Filled With Fire (Jean/Scott)
Alive in Red, Black and White (Scott Summers)
Finding Reasons to Stay (Kitty/Pete)
Haphazard (Kitty/Pete)
Phoenix Rising (Jean Grey, Phoenix)
Rebirth (Jean Grey, Phoenix)

TV Shows
The Isle


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