Prompt: author's choice, author's choice, all faith is blind
It felt like a bad joke.
A demigod and an angel walk into a bar.
He's not at all what she expected an angel to be like.
She'd never been religious. She knew now she never really would be, as confronted by the truth as one could be. Religion was no longer a faith to be followed.
When Michael spoke of his Father it was history to him; raw and pure and untainted by generations of aural or written versions. He didn't have to believe - he knew.
Now she knew, too.
With knowledge she felt like she should have some faith that everything would be alright.
Instead she just felt empty.
Unfounded Silence
Sorry this is quite late but I was taken by the prompt. ;)
She doesn't hear it at first. Not really.
She feels the breath across her cheek, warm and fleeting, a distant caress promising more. She wants to turn around, but knows it's impossible. To turn around would be admitting the truth and she's not sure she can handle more truth.
The words come, barely audible but perfectly clear.
Her heart misses one beat, while she processes the meaning behind such a simple word. A command.
To stay would be to surrender.
She wants to say yes. Her answer courses through her body like a fire warming her from the ground up.
She blinks.
Barely a second has passed.
It feels like an eternity.