Writing Stuff - Updates and Meme

May 27, 2008 13:53

Now that uni is (slowly) starting to draw to a close for the semester, I finally have time to do a bit more writing. I'm still working on my XA!Kitty and Iron Man etc crossover AND I've picked up a new fandom, Blood Ties that I've started work on with an OC for occhallenge. Plus other random stuff that's been crawling around in my head.

But now, on to more fun things. Pinched from a few people on my flist. (If you play here, and post it to your own LJ, let me know so I can come and play, too!)

Q and A: A Fanfiction Meme

Ask me a question about one of my fanfiction stories. It can be absolutely anything in any fic and I will tell you the honest-to-god answer. Don’t hold back. Ask about major upcoming plot points if you want to. Whatever you ask, I have to answer truthfully.

I will warn you in advance if my answer contains major Spoilers and give you a chance to back out. If you then decide that you still want to hear my answer,I'll white it out and you can highlight.

Think carefully before asking a question. You might not want to have it spoiled as badly as you think you do (for that matter, i might not want to SPOIL it as badly as you want it spoiled.)

Don’t know my fics? I have a total listing of them here.

May un-hatched chickens fall on me from above if I wimp out and refuse to answer. Feel free to repost this for your own fic.

fanwork: meme

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