Ah, the world of writing challenges...

Jun 26, 2007 18:31

So, my first big foray into the world of Supernatural fanfiction will be through spn_xx's The women of Supernatural fanfic challenge. With original female characters aplenty! *cackles evilly*

Seriously, though, one character has been running around my head all this last week - crossing through SPN and Torchwood (and boy do I have ideas for that story... it might even had a plot... please contain your gasps of horror!). But I plan on having fun these holidays. And this is my idea of fun. ♥

So far I have picked up one challenge "officially":
17. We've met three male "geniuses" so far in canon (Sam, Ash, Andy); introduce us to three female geniuses, as varied in personality and their level of involvement with the hunting community as the three men are.
That said, I plan on incorporating the following three prompts into this response (one prompt per female character) as part of their character:
96. And though she be but little, she is fierce. (William Shakespeare)
89. I came, I saw, I kicked some ass... (Boomkat)
107. For most of history, Anonymous was a woman. (Virginia Woolf)

Am also tempted to use one of the following cross-over prompts:
58. Chloe Sullivan meets/interviews one of the women of SPN.
64. Chloe Sullivan, girl reporter, would take a lot of weird things in stride, really.

Plus a whole host of other prompts that interest me. But I probably won't get time to write all of them. At least not 1000 words for all of them. So they will be saved up and written at another time. Perhaps. ;)

... I'm beginning to think I need a new hobby - lol!

writing, writing: challenge

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