Oct 04, 2013 08:09

UPDATE ~~ I decided to publicize my journal! To keep up with the spirit of being honest about my opinions/ideas~ though I will try my best to keep personal names and such out of my writing. :)

That said...if any of you would like to read the blog:

See you on the flip side :D


Hey all! Apologies for the lack of paragraph breaks (for some reason my 'enter' key isn't working at the moment). I have an important announcement to make...I have finally decided to make the switch over to a new blog!  After struggling to maintain this one for the past few years, I've decided, in the end, that the "me" here has changed a lot. So much, that perhaps a fresh start is in order. Something to get me writing daily again. I've made my new home at Wordpress, for various reasons. I've also decided to privatize that journal, because the "me" now seems to be writing a lot about my daily happenings while teaching at Rikkyo. And, for the sake of my students' privacy (though I don't name names in my journal, it wouldn't necessarily be hard to point out students if you knew my context very well), I decided to make the journal "invite only." However, as this applies to only strangers - I would love for anyone here to share my experiences with me! If you are interested (still) at all in my life, and my head, please message me your email. =) I'll send you an invite!
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