Jan 24, 2006 06:08
Asians are the "safe" minority. We are the only minority that all but the most conservative Republican businessman will tolerate being seen with, we have had the least persecution of the "big for:" Blacks, Hispanics, Indians, and Asians. As such, we are the most ignored. This will change, I hope, soon. Not because I feel the other minorities don't deserve the attention they get, far from it. They deserve far MORE attention than the little society allows. The problem with colour-free societies is that it's more or less intended to mean "white." But I digress. As a member of the safe minority, people are more likely to listen to me because they can forget briefly that I'm a minority. And they'll hear what I have to say. They'll be horrified when they do, when they realise I'm a minority too and and I think race is a pretty damn big issue, but they'll have heard it and I hope they talk about it in their little carpeted offices and cream-walled corridors. Because damnit, if they won't listen to the REAL minorities, then they're gonna have to listen to me.
I bet twenty bucks right now they'll wish they listened to the moderate black people instead.