Submissions Checklist

Jan 16, 2010 14:41

(To make sure we get everything, we're adding some clearer submission guidelines.)

Email your submissions to the mods at novel.koushien[at]

When submitting fanfiction, please include:

Author: (Write 'anonymous' if you don't want to be listed)
Characters or Pairing: (If platonic simply list characters (Ex- Characters: Abe, Mihashi), if romantic use a / (Ex- Pairing: Abe/Mihashi)
Summary: (Optional)
Word Count: (Optional)

When submitting fanart, please include:
Title: (Optional)
Artist: (Write 'anonymous' if you don't want to be listed)
Characters or Pairing: (If platonic simply list characters (Ex- Characters: Abe, Mihashi), if romantic use a / (Ex- Pairing: Abe/Mihashi)

Once you have turned in your submission(s), you may claim more pairings any time you like. Feel free to claim your next pairings in the same email you submit.



If you would like to GUARANTEE your fic is posted on the upcoming inning post, please submit your submission before 12 AM CST the Friday (that's Friday morning, aka MIDNIGHT THURSDAY) the inning ends.

Submissions submitted after the 12AM deadline (from 12AM Friday to 12AM Saturday (remember, that's aka MIDNIGHT FRIDAY)) may be posted that inning, but THEY ARE NOT GUARANTEED TO BE and may simply be posted in the next inning. Anything submitted after this time frame WILL appear in the next inning.

*nk2010, *submissions checklist

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