Novel Koushien 2010 Feedback

Apr 03, 2010 16:15

Though whether or not Novel Koushien or something like it will happen again is undetermined (that, of course, depends on you guys), just in case we'd like to hear what everyone thought. Just let us know your opinion, if you enjoyed yourself, and what might help you enjoy it more.

All feedback is welcome whether it be from participants, watchers, or anyone else who's taken interest. Though it might be helpful if you let us know which one of those you are.

If you're not sure what to say, some questions you might consider are under the cut. Thanks everyone!

1. (Of course) Should we do it again? Would YOU do it again?

2. What are some things about the current setup that you'd like to make sure stay? What would you suggest might go or change?

3. How did the length work for you? Clearly things died a little in the second half, so do you think the activity ought to be shorter, or do you think some other changes can help to keep it going the full time?

4. How did you feel about the timing? If we continued doing Novel Koushien it would seem natural to do it yearly, but does that seem good to you, and would you change the time of year? Also, if we do it a second time, fans will likely be more active and interested during or shortly after the time the season is still airing. Should any effort be made to capture that time when fans are more active, or would that make the next time too soon? (If the new season is 25 episodes, that means it would end in September, right?)

5. What did you think of the format? Does styling it after a baseball game make it more entertaining and interesting, or would you rather things be simpler. What did you think about the competitive aspect?

6. What did you think of the pairing choices? We ended up allowing unlisted pairing so long as the claimer told us they were claiming it so we could add it to the list. Good or bad?

7. What did you think of the goals? (All those pairings and the 50k word count.) Was it too much to even try to go for, or do you think it is something we can build toward (it's koushien, after all!)?

8. Do you think we should make more of an effort to find more participants? Do you have any ideas of what could help?

EDIT: 9. It seems to me Novel Koushien submissions got less feedback than people normally do just posting their work alone at Oofuri_etc. What could be done to help this? Having authors post their work into the com themselves? (Which might complicate things.) Relaying each submission separately to Oofuri_etc rather than linking them all in one 'inning over' post? Something else?

10. Any other comments? All these questions are just things coming off my head this minute. If there's anything else you'd like to say or ask, please do!


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