Title: Crowd Surf Off A Cliff (9/13)
Pairing: Santana Lopez/Brittany, side Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray
Rating: R/NC-17ish
Spoilers: AU
Disclaimer: Nothing owned, no profit gained.
Summary: Santana Lopez hates school, Lima, and those damn Cheerios--for the most part.
A/N: Title swiped from the Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton song of the same name.
This is exactly the opposite of everything she has been working towards... )
Comments 23
Was rather really hot btw xD.
Shit. I can't even THINK right now.
because no matter how turned on she is, a handle to the spine is never delightful
Thank you so much for writing that because in the real world shit like that matters. Fandom just never states it.
Secondly Brittany just hosted up Santana against a locker :0 Awesome
wow okay I'm just gonna stop reading because I'm at work and getting kinda hot over bench sexy isn't really office work >.>
can't wait to read later :D
Focus at work is so overrated. I'm not generally a quitter, but I'm not even gonna try anymore.
Once again, beautifully written. Sexy as hell while staying true to your two characters throughout.
Oh, and I LOL'd at the duck.
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