Title: Crowd Surf Off A Cliff (6/13)
Pairing: Santana Lopez/Brittany, side Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray
Rating: R/NC-17ish
Spoilers: AU
Disclaimer: Nothing owned, no profit gained.
Summary: Santana Lopez hates school, Lima, and those damn Cheerios--for the most part.
A/N: Title swiped from the Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton song of the same name.
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Comments 12
Thanks for updating so quickly, you are awesome.
Can't wait to read more!
Quinn is hands down the best friend ever, setting Santana back in her tracks over and over again. I love their friendship, adn the way you write them is so descriptive it feels like I know them personally. I particularly love it when Santana pretends they are a couple, her witty remarks are the best.
Also, on the precious chapter, Brittany just swept me off my feet. She's so strong and determined, I can't wait to see more of them two together because it's really interesting to read.
You're brilliant, thanks for writing this!
Loving this story so much. Do you even know how good of a writer you are?!
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