Title: Crowd Surf Off A Cliff (5/13)
Pairing: Santana Lopez/Brittany, side Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray
Rating: R/NC-17ish
Spoilers: AU
Disclaimer: Nothing owned, no profit gained.
Summary: Santana Lopez hates school, Lima, and those damn Cheerios--for the most part.
A/N: Title swiped from the Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton song of the same name.
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Comments 18
This is going to absolutely unveil all my loserish tendencies, but whatever - I was so giddy when I saw the new chapter and I couldn't stop smiling and I've really been trying to read it slow, to, you know, savor it and everything, but I cannot because I just can't stop reading and wondering what's going to happen next.
I love Santana, I love Santana and Quinn, I love Santana-and-Brittany. The whole bit about Quinn rambling to Brittany about Rachel was hilarious and adorable and the last part, the pretty part, was just so wonderful. Also, love the references to canon throughout the fanfic so far - it's possible the wine cooler comment made me giggle a little and the whole thing always keeps me laughing. It's just awesome and funny and, hey, look, more rambling.
I'm already dying for the next chapter, ngl. Basically, you rock.
I also love this line:
“You want me here,” Brittany claims, lifting her chin regally. “You do. No one pushes this hard unless they want to pull instead.”
It's beautiful and simple yet deeply profound.
So, I await the rest eagerly.
“I have to go,” she mutters helplessly. “I’m drunk, and you’re pretty, and I…”
Blue eyes light up for the first time in long, stunning minutes. “You think I’m pretty?” Brittany asks, wonder painting her voice. Santana feels like smacking herself.
I aww'd, I really did.
Cannot WAIT for the next chapter of awesomeness = ]
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