Jan 05, 2006 20:54
definately been a while....yup....
lifes been difficult lately throwing some hefty curve balls of school debt, social workers, family shit and of course, relationship problems. its an all in one package.
you ever been so entirely jealous of some one and not achknowledge it, but when you do you realize all that pent up anger is actually jealousy? indeed...a person whom i have known for sometime and we had a friendship at one point but it fell apart with time and other hardships and i wish i could tell her how i feel but im afraid i would just end up being cruel. perhaps some day
i miss school so much. i can only imagine whats going to come up after the semester but i need to focus on school this semester because i have a couple of pretty hard classes coming up that are going to kick my ass. boys need to be pushed aside. no more insane parties and drunkedness i have to focus big time or im gonna flunk out and end up like any one of my relatives.
umm...since i last posted...wow...no tattoos yet but i got an industrial piercing. i like it. i want a tattoo but at the same time its a little permanent. so we'll see in time, whether i have the money or not too.
my apartment is swell for now. im living with my cousin bud and his two other roommates. eryn's okay, kinda snobby, and mike is really chill. alas i guess that is about the limit i want to spend on this...
i hope everyone is good...school, family, holidays :(> whatever life brings you