Apr 27, 2005 10:53
So i get this letter in the mail right....its from social security saying their going to reinstate my benefits, woot exciting! but of course theres a catch....my back pay of $1,825 has been deposited...not to me but to this random account at bank of NH. I"VE NEVER HAD AN ACCOUNT THERE...but apparently it was under my name...so says the guy at the social security dept. he gives me this account number to a checking account. so i go to the bank to see if i can get it switched....the lady at the bank says that the account doesnt exist. so i go to social security. they tell me that i dont have any of the correct information to give them about the bank accounts...gah i have no friggin idea what he was saying because i didnt understand...so then he brings my mother into the picture...ug...what she has to do with it is that because shes disabled i get benefits....so hes questioning my integrity by making me look like a mooch, which im not they said they would give me the money, i never asked for it. and my nursing class starts next week and i need that back pay in order to take care of it. its $1300 for the class plus the book and the uniform. gah.....life sucks...they treated me like im stupid, like im a child, im 18 they can talk to me like a human being, not like some, creature that is completely insignificant and cant handle her own personal affairs...im just inexperienced and i dont understand some of the terminology they were using....fucking A!!!!! gahakldfjkeruioajrlkeijroakejroiaejr
i quit.