Feb 06, 2005 21:02
so, i havent up dated in quite some time................hmmmmm......
substance jon?
okay here goes:: im stage managing a play for peacock, its quite an enormous task to make sure everyone is on task at all times and is completeing everthing they have on their "to-do" lists. im stressed out. i cried the other night, sorry Greg! i always have this feeling that i have to be perfect and when some one says on thing that brings me down i loose my momentum like an SUV hitting a brick wall. but, this show is very well done i'm very proud to say that i've helped in this process, though minute, im glad. however i am wiped out and i actually dozed off during tech today....damn it.
hmmmmm, i broke it off with Dane, go figure, who could have guessed that wouldnt have lastedlong. apparently i cant make it with guys i've decided. its not possible, im too much of a control freak. and i want to crash right now but im determined to update this damn things cuz its been three weeks. hmmmmm what else. vacations coming up... and of course if me and some one dont get a long like an oreo cookie >>>inevitably gritted through our teeth>>> one of us has to stay behind....wonder who that would be huh?
Beauty and the beast is coming up and i dont know if i should audition for many reasons but one being that i need money and a life outside of theater. go figure, i never thought i'd say that....or even that i dont think theater is where i belong. i dont seem to fit particularly at peacock, everyone seems to have things to say that arent always of the kindest nature...i guess potato fits right in there huh? soooo lets see
im gonna crash, i guess i made it further then i thought i would.
mucho love-O