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I would like to become one of your freelance writers anonymous February 2 2009, 06:01:24 UTC
Hi, I live in the United States and I can't speak or read Russian yet but I am great at doing research and I am very interested in Russia. I would like to become one of your freelance writers, because I see all those journalists of yours getting killed. With Putin and his secret police and the mafia having much power in Russia, whoever is getting killed as journalists must be the only ones doing what is good in the country (other than getting killed for the Gospel). I also love truth more than I love my life, and I would like to be one of your freelance journalists. I may not be able to write at journalist quality, but I would like to at least be able to submit articles. Please post your email on the website so I can contact you. Or, my email is workhard@berkeley.edu

I think a Christian martyr said or wrote that when tyrants run a country, the only appropriate place for a saint to die is in jail. So when tyrants run a country, the only appropriate way for people to die is while telling the truth. Good courage to all of you, and have faith in Jesus Christ, for you have fellowship with His sufferings and you are very brave!


Re: I would like to become one of your freelance writers anonymous February 2 2009, 08:17:04 UTC
Да, да... Скажи мне кто твой друг - и я скажу, кто ты...
Дэмопедарасты на марше.


Re: I would like to become one of your freelance writers anonymous February 2 2009, 12:26:53 UTC
Thank you, the good man! In the USA it seems not so bad as it is... There are no hope in Russia and you could not help it.


Re: I would like to become one of your freelance writers novayagazeta February 2 2009, 12:38:19 UTC
Хоуп-то есть, господин анонимус, не было бы хоуп - не было бы здесь ни нас, ни вас. Поборемся.


Re: I would like to become one of your freelance writers anonymous February 3 2009, 07:20:03 UTC
"Иных уж нет, а тех - долечим..." (с)


Re: I would like to become one of your freelance writers enderovich February 3 2009, 10:53:38 UTC
Лечилка поломается.


Re: I would like to become one of your freelance writers anonymous February 3 2009, 11:11:17 UTC
Не переживай. Этой "штамповки" на всех вас хватит...


Re: I would like to become one of your freelance writers enderovich February 3 2009, 19:53:40 UTC
Неа, штамп тоже сломается...


Re: I would like to become one of your freelance writers anonymous February 4 2009, 07:22:46 UTC
"У нас нэзамэнимых Нэт!" (с) ИВС


Re: I would like to become one of your freelance writers enderovich February 4 2009, 10:17:47 UTC
У вас? Да, к вас незаменимых нет. А у нас есть.


Re: I would like to become one of your freelance writers anonymous February 4 2009, 11:42:53 UTC
Это не может не радовать. Хотя правильно. Иуды - они ункальны...


Re: I would like to become one of your freelance writers enderovich February 4 2009, 19:09:56 UTC
Ну хоть себя Вы незаменимым считаете, уже хорошо!


Re: I would like to become one of your freelance writers anonymous February 5 2009, 07:02:26 UTC
Если Вы про Иуд, так это к Вам ближе...


Re: I would like to become one of your freelance writers enderovich February 5 2009, 09:26:38 UTC
Ну что Вы! Мне Ваших заслуг совсем не надо!


Re: I would like to become one of your freelance writers anonymous February 5 2009, 10:19:17 UTC
Не скромничайте. Нам на этом фронте до Вас, как до Китая "раком"...


Re: I would like to become one of your freelance writers enderovich February 5 2009, 19:25:55 UTC
Зачем же прибедняться? Это Китаю до Вас, как Вы мило выразились, "раком". а также "рыбкой".


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