
Oct 30, 2005 18:34

NovaWildstar's Halloween party:

broken_soldier_ dressed as Drew Barrymore riding a elk.

chaoscat dressed as Optimus Prime.

colinftm dressed as Ricky Martin.

cupid_stunt dressed as a referee.

dave_t_lurker dressed as Jennifer Lopez.

deadwillwalk dressed as a bottle of Corcyclojella.

deslockdarkstar dressed as a Utah Brothers Corporation employee.

dunkin_donuts_1 dressed as a junior corporate spy director.

enigmaticae dressed as a turkey.

haroeris_astrum dressed as the love child of Harrison Ford and Halle Berry.

isihac dressed as Lunchlady Doris.

jabberwocky89 dressed as a ceremony.*how do you dresss as a ceremony anyways?*

jlassen dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Crystal of Stars.

kaffy dressed as a new superhero: Captain Worm.

korenwolf dressed as the Still Power Ranger.

lavenderjones dressed as the Marquis of Memphis.

livih dressed as a character from "Nosferatu".

lossrockhart dressed as Hilary Duff.

macready dressed as a rabbit.*the one from Donny Darko perhaps?*

malfranks dressed as a brain, and it suited them disturbingly well.*lol*

megabitch dressed as a lace skeleton.

moonfire_sb dressed as a deadly plan.*What does one of those look like?*

orinoco77 dressed as a Level 11 barbarian, though it looked more like a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Thunderous Wizard.*lol*

rainbowmagicuk dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Master Leader.

rhagerma didn't dress up, spoilsport.

songster dressed as a Peckware employee.

the_hunter dressed as a kicker for the Bears.

vanityfaired1 dressed as a pixie.

Throw your own party at the Hallomeme!
Created with phpNonsense

meme, halloween

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