The Synaptic Tempest Audio Blast is "official" now. How so? You can subscribe to it in iTunes! (or any rss feedreader, for that matter). In iTunes, open up the "Advanced" drop down menu up top and choose "Subscribe to Podcast." In the white field that pops up, paste the URL to the show: The S.T.A.B. should then show up in the podcasts list and update automatically.
This week (Episode 4) we delve into the world of Drum and Bass!
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In other news, the parents took me and the foreign exchange student their hosting to see Cirque du Soleil's Kooza here in Portland. While no Cirque du Soleil show is bad, this one was smaller and a little weaker than the other shows I've seen. It did, however, feature the act that I would deem "Most likely to result in a spectacular fatality" of any show I've seen. It is aptly called The Wheel of Death. You can look it up on the Kooza site. There's nothing like eating it from a height of 80 feet to ruin your day.
I also have to wonder about the thinking that goes on during the show planning:
"How do we make the teeterboard gymist act new and exciting?"
"I know! Let's put them on STILTS!"