More tales from beyond the Desert

Sep 26, 2011 10:36

As we say the other night Mom and I went at it. Again. And I stood up to and stood her down.

I'm waiting for the repercussions, but how it went down is, the folks in AZ are moving. The Landlord is hurting for money and needs to sell the house, so they have realtors coming in and they'll be bought out of their lease.

I last heard some of my things were unpacked-- and texted to ask for one, simple DVD box set. Suddenly she asks how my job hunt is.


I tell her 'slowly' since it's not her business, and suddenly she wants a call. Okie dokie. Shit. So I do. Suddenly she tells me all my shit was already in storage without a call for the option of some stuff coming up. Further she won't find the set nor send a box. I 'have to come down for anything'.

I remind her I also asked for A box but this is apparently too much to ask. Also I'm s8uddenky a horrid person for not perpetually calling or contacting them, or for not being alone with them. Also for Poi being around a lot.

I chew her out for being anal about my sharing time with my girlfriend and my time with them. I did NOT tell her I didn't want to be alone with her nor did anyone want me to be nor did they trust her. At all. So she asks, sarcastically, 'when's the wedding' (She's against LGBT marriage, pro civil unions) and I tell her 'when we have money'. (No lie here, either.) She flips and accuses me of losing my values, no sex before marriage-- all because I'm with a girl. A girl she HATES.

My voice is raised because I'm provoked by now, and suddenly she whines I'm 'always angry'. I tell her I'm her daughter, whom she's treating like shit. More bawwing about how horrible I am, and how I'm disrespectful and never talked to her this way before. I tell her no, because she always threatened to knock my teeth in. This I say outright. More bawwing before she starts to attack again. I hang up.

She has the baww left to refuse to send anything, so I tell her. Send it, or the police get involved. She starts about 'not my daughter' again. I tell her I am. And she treats me like shit.

She goes to bed.

I'm going to try again, but we're working on finding a posse to get into AZ to get my things away from her. I may also indeed call the police. Or my uncle to brief him on her bullshit. (They don't get along.) He might be recruited to the posse though.
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