
Sep 25, 2010 22:06

I really can't stand my uncle anymore.

A couple yeasrs ago he sent my grandmother for rehab and never bothered to get off his lazy ass and go encourage her, so... She ended up in the permanent home side of the place. Slowly thisd cost her mobility, and nearly got her killed once. Last month she had pnumonia. NOBODY TOLD US. She's stopped being able to stand or walk, and now can't use her feet, and her memory and hands and arms are crapping. She's got very bad circulation...

I can't shake a dread feeling she might go soon.

My Uncle's treated my dad like shit for years, but recently my cousinb began therapy for her own problems and began to find out about herself and her hobbies. Not a family member but us are supporting her. My SAME AUNT AND UNCLE are treating her like shit and favoring her brother for not being perfect.

My Dad's family is mistreating my Grandmother. She's old, and she's FAMILY. Her failures raising them mean little now. This is bewlow lines that need not cross, and my couusin is my uncle's fucking DAUGHTER.

So yeah. I'm ticked. I'm tired of my loved ones being mistreated by the rest of Dad's family.

Why the fuck are these people so fucking stupid...?
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