It has been wa-a-a-y too long since I actually posted here. All I can say is that the Lupus has really been kicking my butt.
I've tried to stay in touch, but a lot of 'stuff' has been going down, and in retrospect some of it has had it's humourous side, but I think I'll just spare you all the dysfunction and talk about enthralling fic and celebratory events, like Steve and Chris performing together at Dantes - extra cheer for Jason, Aldis and Jensen and the elusive Tim - and the second season of Leverage is on our doorstep!!
Many thanks to
killerweasel for the newsy posts that always kept me informed and the gifts that never failed to lift my spirits. Extra thanks to
elebridith for the emails and link to the brilliant Vicki Farmer photographs.
Gratitude to
havenward and
amara_m for the newsletters and coms that point me in the direction of all the fic I've missed.
As I have been laid up so much of this year, I have taken advantage of printing out some longer pieces and WIPs to read straight through. The gang over at
comment_fic have been a lifesaver as well, offering up such a variety of fandoms and genres.
To save your flists further, I thought I would make up separate posts per fandom to express my thanks to the authours. First up will be some multi-chapter/WIP LEVERAGE tales.
Stay tuned - I WILL be back!