oh shit, check this out! pretty wild.
connecting star wars to secret societies and the new world order and all that scary stuff.
http://www.infowars.com/articles/ps/darth_nwo.htm some excerpts-
It is a fact that bin Laden has been a CIA agent since at least 1981. The highest levels of the CIA have publicly said that they do not want to catch him.
Think about who really has the motive for the September 11th attacks. None of the Arab nations have taken responsibility, although they've been falsely accused of carrying out the attacks. Who in their right mind would attack the heart of an unmatched military juggernaut with seven times superiority of any military on earth?
Who stands to gain? Who gets trillions of dollars in Iraqi and Afghan oil? What group gets to sell hundreds of billions in weapons systems? Who gets to be our hero and silence all political opposition? What group is now turning America into a high-tech police state? In the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) documents, Dick Cheney told us in 2000 that the neo-cons and their backers gain.
PNAC documents written by Dick Cheney and other top neo-cons call for a helpful Pearl Harbor-like attack to mobilize the American people in a war for empire. One of the Pentagon's chief strategists, Tomas Barnett, openly calls America an empire and has a laundry list of nations that need to be invaded immediately.
Criminal elements within the government that seek to overthrow freedom and replace it with slavery get their power through carrying out terrorist attacks and manufacturing enemies that they fund and control.
In some cases, as with the separatists in Star Wars, they don't even know who they are controlled by, just as an Arab suicide bomber might not know that the funds and training that he received came from a western intelligence agency. He doesn't know that his attack will be used to crack down on entire populations and stop any real peace process, because the weapon dealers have no interest in peace. Chaos is the ether in which they swim.
please help us obi-wan kenobi, you're our only hope!