Aug 20, 2008 14:24
getting ready for fanex now. It means fixing a few things on an old costume since I'll only be going on saturday. Still haven't heard back from photo people yet for times. Nicole said she's bringing her camera tho so at least we'll be covered for a few shots. Mel and I agreed to a cosplay interview thing with the people from the space channel so hoping that works out ok and doesn't totally eat our day. Mel is complaining as usual that she has to pay admission to the con when she's only there for the photoshoots, but knowing her she'll be the first one in the dealers room blowing her paycheque on anime presents for every person she's ever known.
I've been to this con so many times, I just expect things to take forever and not work out. In theory it's in a very convenient place, but I never think it's worth it to save up for a hotel room downtown which means I'm stuck with easy costumes I can wear on transit. I seriously need to start making more travel worthy cosplays so I'm not always count D.
The only thing I really look forward to is actually finding people I know. Anyone wants to find me, I'll be outside the harveys in union station at 10 in the morning. After that, happy hunting.