(no subject)

Jul 15, 2014 19:54

Wyden urges permanent Internet tax ban: Says 'Tax Freedom Act' has spurred digital economy

If it weren't for the good folks over at ohnotheydidnt, I would never have heard about this: Over the course of a weekend, DashCon 2014 descended into chaos | more

Two children freed from hot car by passerby who smashed the windows with a hammer -- This is bad enough.

But this takes the cake: Toddler Saves Elderly Man Locked Inside Hot Car

Jersey City tears down 'cop killer' shrine that repulsed the nation -- But what's up with removing the second, unrelated shrine?

Elderly home invasion victim shoots at Action News crew in Detroit -- That's some serious PTSD.

Study Cracks How the Brain Processes Emotions -- modulated by the orbitofrontal cortex

Testicle-Eating Pacu Fish Caught in Michigan -- "'Mouth is not so big, so of course it normally eats nuts, fruit, and small fish, but human testicles are just a natural target.'"

SpongeBob SquarePants Prank Triggered South Korean Army Massacre -- This is a true story.

This entry posted originally at Dreamwidth Studios. You may comment here or there.

odd news, internet, america, neuroanatomy, science, michigan, neuroscience

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