(no subject)

Aug 03, 2013 12:48

Riley Cooper May Have Bigger Problems Ahead -- Philadelphia Eagles' player who said some of the most racially offensive stuff I've heard in at least the last three weeks

Blacks, Hispanics More Optimistic than Whites -- Economically speaking. Of course, minorities have less to lose & more to potentially gain than their Caucasian counterparts.

Illinois governor signs law allowing medical marijuana -- Still, don't speed in the state of Illinois. Rabid cops there.

For males, monogamy can have evolutionary benefits -- less infanticide

'There Is No Pressure for a Girl to Be a Girl': My quest to understand why some of my female friends are drawn to the frattiest social club on campus

Babies given away live on air in Pakistani talk show -- How does anything on reality television top this?

Inca Child Sacrifice Victims Were Drugged: Mummy hair reveals that young victims were heavy users of coca and alcohol

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culture, drugs, television, economics, race, sports, gender, drug policy, america

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