Yoga in school not same as teaching religion, California judge rules -- Thank goodness, because that suit was bunk.
Poll: Support for gay marriage hits high after ruling Habits -- good and bad -- stick when you're stressed -- Keep also in mind that it takes about 27 days to reform a bad habit. (I wonder if the disruption tactic at the end of the article would speed up that process?)
Heavy drinking, 'incompatible' drinking tied to divorce, study says -- Some sexism is also at play here.
Why Healthy Eaters Fall for Fries -- "Mr. Fitzsimons called the phenomenon 'vicarious goal fulfillment.' By seeing a healthy menu option at a restaurant, 'it basically satisfies that goal to be healthy,' he said, and gives consumers leeway to order what they want." (NYT)
Why does it cost more to give birth in the US? -- This article could have been much longer with far more details.
Mysterious Pair Buried With Flowers--Oldest Example Yet: Aromatic sage and mint lined graves found on Israel's Mount Carmel -- "The Natufian society [which flourished between 15,000 and 11,600 years ago in an area that is now Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria] was one of the first--possibly the first--to transition from a roaming hunter-gatherer lifestyle to permanent settlements, and was also the first to establish true graveyards[.]"
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