Arizona shooting: Bill OK'd to create buffer for funerals -- "Gov. Jan Brewer signed the bill Tuesday evening, saying, 'Despicable acts of emotional terrorism will not be tolerated in the state of Arizona.'" One of the few stances by her of which I completely agree.
Palin accuses critics of 'blood libel' for blaming her for Tucson shootings -- I don't think that is called cooling down the rhetoric. Also, you know, it's all about her.
In N.C., a new battle on school integration -- "[A]s the [Raleigh school] board moves toward a system in which students attend neighborhood schools, some members are embracing the provocative idea that concentrating poor children, who are usually minorities, in a few schools could have merits - logic that critics are blasting as a 21st-century case for segregation."
Public strongly opposes debt ceiling increase: Reuters/Ipsos -- "Some 71 percent of those surveyed oppose increasing the borrowing authority, the focus of a brewing political battle over federal spending. Only 18 percent support an increase." These people are fools who obviously don't understand the implications of defaulting on our national obligations. This isn't like an individual declaring bankruptcy.
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