Finger Bone Points to New Branch of Humanity -- "A finger bone from Siberia now reveals a previously unknown group of ancient humans once existed there, one neither like us nor Neanderthals."
Neanderthals Fashioned Earliest Tool Made From Human Bone Lost Civilization May Have Existed Beneath the Persian Gulf Young Female Chimps Use Sticks as 'Dolls': Study finds correlation with human play 'Impulsive' Gene Identified in Finnish Men -- "The gene mutation affects the action of the neurotransmitter serotonin, a hormone known to be related to self-control, according to the researchers."
Kids With Autism May Lack Key Visual Skills, Study Finds: They have difficulty searching effectively for objects in real-life setting, researchers say Imperfect Brain Cells Have Gender Biases -- "'It's the kind of thing you would not predict--that you would look at two identical faces and think they look different,' said Arash Afraz, a psychologist at MIT's McGovern Institute for Brain Research."
Race, Sex Play Part in Hypertension Risk: Where you live also factors into the equation, study found Chernobyl Woos Tourists with Promise of 'Negligible' Risk -- "The area around Chernobyl is scheduled to open to visitors next year."
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