Not physically, you understand, but as far as my roommate and myself.
Relatively late last night, Zoe and I got on the topic of the Adams-Jefferson letters and were pulling up lovely bits from them and she agrees with me that Adams and Jefferson are the Poles of Awesome, but would that make Burr and Hamilton the Poles of Anti-Awesome? I don't think so, but "How frightening would it have been if they had been friends, or at least allies in... taking over the Americas?" (Z: But they would kill each other! B: But... they did!)
Very. Also, hilarious and distracting, because this kills us both and we end up discussing it for a long long time. We decided that:
-Hamilton would get N America and Burr would be in charge of going South and kicking out the Spanish
-Jefferson and Adams would have to be removed or silenced, so we figured a blockade on their homes might work-- stop communication in and out-- or maybe let them leave the country
-Madison has to be taken care of, because he needs to tell Jefferson to lay off politics and be removed from the Party picture, as well as perhaps lending his skillz to gain the new regime popularity. Favored method is drugging or knocking him out and then picking up his small self and toting him away
-They'd need to work out something with either Britain (more likely with AH's connections) or Napoleon so they can get the resources and troops to secure themselves and boot the Spanish
-Monroe would go along with them if he thought people were on board. Rush would be pissed but hopefully not make too much of a fuss.
-The Alien and Sedition Acts would still be in place, as Jefferson struck them. So... the "President" (if there is a President... maybe Pickney is. Or Burr. Dunno.) has that authority. Way to go, Federalists.
-"Hamiltonia" and "Burrma" as they have been dubbed would probably have very good infrastructure and not much morals. Or as I said, "Banks. Oh, Lord, lots of banks."
-The state governments would probably all but dissolve. The biggest threat to AH/AB's success would be ensuring that Mass, VA, and/or So. Carolina don't revolt. Not sure how to handle that one.
-Burr would eventually fail and Hamilton would either have to step in and take over or the two would end up trading insults and killing one other. Oh. Wait.
Zoe told Ellis the basics of it and I guess he thought it was pretty great but she didn't have time to really get a full opinion. Which is too bad, because I want to solve this problem of foreign aid, and that of the rebellious states.
Enough of that. I'm still thinking of switching Greek for that politics seminar. Hopefully I'll catch Prof. Mink tomorrow and can ask him about it (he teaches it). I need a hair cut SO BADLY so hopefully that will also happen soon.
Ummm other stuff... dunno. Things are generally pretty good. Mostly work. Oh. Q. Who ought to win a war, and how can one ensure that the deserved winner is most likely to win? Will answer later. Maybe. Time for supper.