I am moste pleafed to announce ye commencement of ye Publifhing of a long-awaited work, nowne as MY ARMS CAN FLY. This Web~Comic follows the Tale of one SMALL HOPE, a 17th century Puritan who findeth himfelf a 21st century Chickadee. Its Home shall be My Arms Can Fly dot Wordpess dot com.
Pages one & two, id est, ye Title page & ye op'ning page of the Comic, are on-line. Further pages will poft every SIXTH-DAY, id est, every SATUR-DAY, as a meanes of relief for ye Drought of web~comics on ye week's End.
To beginn, onely reade ye below IMAGE & clicke it mofte Joifully to proceede to ye feconde page. If thou canst not beholde ye below image, do not feare but rather clicke