I ran into an article in the Post the other day about a so-called "Tweed Ride", in which people dress in tweed and breeches and argyle and scarves, armed with umbrellas, and ride 1970s bicycles through the streets of major cities. It started in London, and has been exported to DC, San Francisco, Chicago, Sydney, Edmonton, and elsewhere. Here is
a related (NY) Times article.
The recent Washington, DC Tweed Ride.
I'm torn between admiring and poo-pooing these self-identified "chaps". I do love a good vintage aesthetic, especially one that purports to tip a literal hat to elegance and fine details. On the other, I am extremely suspicious of groups of people who all dress alike and try to draw attention to themselves with post-ironic self-deprecating gimmicks like the "cucumber sandwich toss" competition. Also of this love for the late 1800s, which seem to be one of the worst times in history.
I guess all scenesters are flawed in being part of a scene, though, so at least this one is semi-charming.
It's just very close to home. I don't ride bikes, though I've been eye-ing vintage ones for a while. But I DO enjoy a spot of tea, as well as classic cocktails, and hats, and croquet, and, let's face it, cucumber sandwiches. But I don't want to lump myself in with all of their philosophies, damn it all. I don't support dandyism; I support a republican citizenry of over-educated polite farmers with guns. GUYS FORGET THE ENGLISH VICTORIANS AND EDWARDIANS AND DIRIGIBLES LET'S DO A REPUBLICAN REVIVAL Y/Y/Y/Y.
What do you think, flist? Cute? Obnoxious? Have I found kindred spirits? Am I just bitter that they
totally stole
my clothes? What drives your aesthetic?