06; Counting Sheep

Aug 02, 2008 14:28

Screenshot | Live Preview

S2 Flexible Squares
Tested in Firefox, Opera, and IE (IE 7 incompatible :x)
Works for all account types

Counting Sheep by novaless.lj.com
For S2 Flexible Squares


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Contextual Popup

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Comment Page

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Calendar Page

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One column variations:
I couldn't decide which one was better, so I just posted both. (Click on the image for a live preview.)

Counting Sheep (one column v.1) by novaless.lj.com
For S2 Flexible Squares


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Contextual Popup

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Comment Page

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Calendar Page

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Counting Sheep (one column v.2) by novaless.lj.com
For S2 Flexible Squares


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color: #acc5cd;
text-decoration: none;

a:hover {
color: #ccdde0;
text-decoration: none;

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Contextual Popup

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Comment Page

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Calendar Page

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ul.year li {
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table.yeartable {
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padding: 10px 0 10px 0;

Last edited on Dec 21, 2008.

  1. Choose "Flexible Squares" as your theme.
  2. Click on "Customize Your Theme" and go to the "Custom CSS" section.
  3. Select "no" in all three drop-down menus, and insert the code into the custom stylesheet box.
  4. The main navigation links are defined by your link list. (sidebar version)
  5. Header images can be added in the .headerimage section.

Long time no see? |D Usually I dislike layouts with faint-colored text, but I suppose there are exceptions. The tiny icons are from Like-honey.com. Enjoy and remember to credit novaless~ ^^

flexible squares, !layouts

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