Sep 12, 2008 23:43
Strange things really do happen when you least expect them and for seemingly no reason at all. I've still be having problems getting over Nicole. Every time I think I'm making progress and getting to the point where I'm over what happened and I'm ready to move on, I have some kind of dream about her coming back to me and us being together again. The most recent one was really disturbing. We were together, sleeping in a bed together, but when I woke up she was all "We can be together, but we're really not TOGETHER." which was really strange. That really got me all bothered even though I knew it was just a dream. It wouldn't have been so bad, but damn, my dreams have always been so real and sometimes even afterwords even when I know it was a dream I have problems separating it from the real world.
This whole thing had me bothered for days. I was doing crappy at work, I was just totally down on myself about it, even though I knew it was a dream. My mind just couldn't wrap my head around it and move on, the same problem I was having getting over Nicole. Well today things finally changed.
I'm sitting here today and I decide I want to gout out somewhere, but I had no idea where. I get in my car and just start randomly driving around for about 20 minutes until I finally decide to go to the Beaver Valley Mall to play DDR/ITG. I haven't been there in close to two years and the arcade and mall has all changed since the last time I was there. I get there not expecting to see anyone I know, but there was Kyle at the arcade playing DDR. I didn't say anything to him, he didn't say anything to me. I don't think he likes me at all, every time I try and talk to him he just ignores me and pretends I'm not there. Everyone else at least humors me and talks back if they don't like me, they hide it well.
But anyway, about 10 minutes later Juan shows up. I think he's about the only local DDR person that I know for sure actually likes me as a friend and actually cares about me. I don't see Juan that often being that he can't drive and it's a 45 minute drive from here to there, so it's always a special occasion when we get to see each other. So we walked around the mall for a bit and talked about random stuff including video games, work, card games, and other stuff. Then he drops a bomb on me and tells me that a girl I hadn't seen for two years was there at the mall. I kinda jaw dropped when I heard and he took me over to where she was and I swear I got one of the greatest hugs I have ever gotten in my life when we saw each other again.
I had lost her phone number, lost her AIM screen name, and lost all ways to contact her long ago. She was always such a good friend to me and I missed her dearly. Several times in the past I've tried to get back in contact with her and could never find anyone that had her number or screen name, so this was a day to remember. Here's the funny thing, I think getting back in contact with her was exactly what I needed to get myself straightened out. I've known I liked her before we lost touch, but she was young then, too young. Now that really isn't the same issue as it was before, and I don't know what's completely going on in her life now, but I'm damned well going to find out. If it doesn't work out, well, At least I'm trying again and that's what I need to do.
In other news on the drive home I got to do some real life stunt driving. See there is this part of the drive home where you have to merge onto a 2-lane highway from the left, and then in about 50 yards merge back off an exit on the right. Well it was raining pretty hard today and the roads were really slick. There was a person 2 cars in front of me that decided hard brake and stop from about 40 MPH on the ramp to wait for a pickup truck to pass that I was watching to find room to merge over. Well the van behind him was obviously shocked at the stop and slid when breaking about 45 degrees. Well by the time I looked back in front of me they were both stopped already and with the rain there was no way I could stop in time without running into the van. I managed to use all my video game driving skills and brake, swerve right around the other two cars, and position myself in the traffic lane about two feet behind said pickup truck then quickly merged off the highway. I'm glad it worked without me hitting someone, but I NEVER want to do that again. Scared the shit out of me.