
Oct 15, 2008 22:23

I feel like I have been working very hard at my job these past couple of weeks and haven't been able to pay attention to much else. Basically we (by that I mean the Insect Discovery Lab) were invited to create a program that would go along with Redwood City Public Library's "One Book, One Community" program. The book they chose was What is the What? by Dave Eggers which is basically a first-person retelling of a story from the perspective of Valentino Achak Deng, a Lost Boy from Sudan. So the library wanted a program that not necessarily went along with the story, but was related to Africa to help the readers paint a picture of what life in Africa might be like. I spent the past couple of weeks creating a program that had African and African-like arthropods, and also with the help of my co-worker Marnia, some activity sheets for the kids. Today we did the first showing of the program, and I thought it went very well. Saturday will be our next and last showing. This time at Menlo Park Public Library.

The Africa-themed program feels like my baby because I put a lot of effort into it. It makes me wish that was my job--to create something fun and educational that people of all ages can enjoy. It doesn't feel like a life-calling, but it was a wake-up call... I need to continue my job-search.

I had an interview last Friday and I think it went well, but I haven't heard back from them, which makes me nervous. I guess I just have to keep my fingers crossed. The job is for a non-profit organization that I admire, and I really hope I get it. But I shouldn't put all my eggs in one basket. I think Norm is getting close to finding a replacement for me, so I really really really need to find a new job very soon.

Getting sick last week did not help. I am just now slowly starting to get out of it. I had to work last Saturday when I really should have stayed at home. Then today I nearly lost my voice during the program because I was straining my vocal chords after a nightful of coughing. I'm working Saturday again, though I shouldn't, but I don't trust my baby in someone else's hands.

It seems a bit early but I feel really exhausted. I think it is time for sleep.

Good night.

work, job search, sick

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