First False Alarm...

Aug 17, 2009 12:45

We had a false alarm yesterday, which I never realised would panic me soo much.

Well, it started with a visit to my god-mother's, whom I haven't been able to meet up since my wedding...from their trips to Johor, to my morning sickness for three months, and then work after that, I was embarassed to only be meeting her yesterday...but it was better than totally not meeting...I got even more embarassed when we left the house with presents meant to be for my wedding...Well, at her place, we caught up, and I am soo grateful for my god-mother for being the tactful person she has always been, honestly, if I had an idol, it would have been a tie between her and my late maternal grandmother.

Anyways, I lapped up her food, eating my normal portions, and of course, inclusive of her famous "Sambal Udang"...which was definitely not that spicy...But about 30 minutes later, my tummy started feeling bloated, as I massaged it slowly. It was a common experience, considering the size of my stomach, pushed up by my uterus....But it started to get worse, when the pain started to intensify, and my nauseating feelings came back up. I vomitted twice, and could not stand up properly. In fact, I could not even lie down properly, as the pain intensified with every move. Even their advice on keeping my legs straight was excruciating, as I kept curling up like a fetus. As soon as it was possible for me to walk, we took our leave, and sent my sister and my aunt to Sheng Siong to get some stuff for my mum, since we had to cancel the movie date due to my status....I wanted to go to KKH, but once I sent my sis and aunt back to my uncle's place, and I was alone in the car with Wan, the pain dissipated somewhat, so I cancelled the plan, thinking that it could just be a bloated, indigestion feeling.

Once home, I got into bed, and just feel asleep within minutes. My poor dear was tired, so he squeezed in beside me, I'm guessing because he didn't want to disturb me as I took nearly 3/4 of the bed..I'm not a very neat sleeper...Woke up a few hours later, and the pain started to increase in intensity, quashing any apetite I had...and soon, I broke down...Tears started rolling drop by drop at first at the pain, but later I realised that the subsequent tears could be due to the possible prospect of me losing 'By even at the third trimester. Dear started to get ready and pack me up to go to KKH. Interestingly, the pain subsided once I got into my car, and I wasn't in much pain once we reached KKH. But I thought I should just check on 'By to see if she's ok, despite the fact that she was kicking throughout....

We went to KKH 24-hour emergency, and was shocked to be told to go to the delivery suite instead, because my baby was more than 22 weeks old. I think we were getting nervous that the pain may actually be contractions, and we started laughing nervously thinking that I might be delivering way in advance, thus the baby kicking up a storm. The nurses in the delivery suit had very impressive bedside manners. I did have my second panic, when the first nurse couldn't find 'By's heartbeat. Luckily, another nurse came to help her, and told me that 'By is still small and active, thus the difficulty in finding her heatbeat from the surface. All my relief just dissipated after hearing the little rapid heartbeat....After being under observation for about 30 minutes, some kick and fuss from 'By and a check by the doctor, the doctor discharged me, attributing my pain to gastric due to spicy, oily food. Now Wan has forbidden me from eating spicy food for the next three days, although it is 'By's favourite...hmph...Got an MC for today, so that Daddy can get the much needed rest from runing around the past few days, and I can probably rest from my super long week, despite the long weekend previously.

No more pain now, and 'By is kicking occasionally, so I guess all is good, despite still feeling a little tired...In addition, I think I am starting to experience the Braxton-Hicks contractions, which I used to attribute to 'By pushing against my bladder...But it turns out that pregnant women experience minor, uncomfortable contractions from 18-22 weeks onwards, which is the body's way of preparing the uterus muscles for the real labour job later on..Treat it as rehearsals for the real performance, heh...It's an interesting experience, although I wouldn't know how to describe it...The internet describes the BH contractions as tightening sensations in the lower abdomen, I generally feel it as someone squeezing my bladder regions, but in a non-painful way...heh...Anaesthesized menstrual cramps, without the pain...

Supposedly 'By is in her 26th week, and supposedly the full term is 39, I guess 13 more weeks to go...anytime now, 'By can survive outside with medical intervention...but I hope she stays in and makes full use of her term to develop and grow healthily....
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