(no subject)

Apr 28, 2009 15:37

Because of the 'lil Jr, (or at least part of it)

1. I now crave for spicy food.
2. I don't like sotong.
3. I do not drink soft drinks, nor tea stuff...and I try to avoid sweet drinks, which leaves me with orange juice and orange juice, and the milk that pregnant ladies are supposed to drink.
4. I do not eat sweets or chocolates, for fear of gestational diabetes.
5. I read pregnancy brochures, books, websites, articles, and everything else I can get my hands on related to pregnancies.
6. I do not crave for the same thing more than 3 days in a row, it always changes. *Great, Wan's spicy apetite, coupled with my fickle attitude!
7. Migraines and headaches is Jr's way of telling me to rest, and I get a lot more of it lately.
8. I do not like wearing pants, but it could just be the hot weather.
9. I do not like wearing makeup, so I still cannot decide whether the baby might be a boy or girl based on these latest 2 points, heh...
10. The toilet is my new best friend! I never knew a bladder could be hyperactive.


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