Aug 28, 2005 02:59
...we're in hell."
"No man amongst you is fit to judge... the mighty art that I have wrought. Your rituals are empty oaths you neither understand nor live by. The Great Architect speaks to me. He is the balance where my deeds are weighed and judged... not you."
I just got done watching From Hell and I had forgotten what a good movie it was. Mr. Depp does a pretty good job but the performance I most liked in this movie was that of Ian Holm. Not only is it such a contrast from seeing him as Bilbo, or the priest from the Fifth Element, but he does such a good job at playing evil, or insane rather. Ok...enough about that movie..WATCH IT!.......aaaaaaaannnnywho.....
I really should get back on a regular sleep schedule...something about nighttime just keeps me awake senses seem to go on hyper drive...especially my hearing...i hear every little thing....things i don't hear in the daytime, perhaps of all the extra silence at night....its not cause i'm paranoid..its just quiet....hmmm....but yeah...normal sleep would be good.
on a positive note, the van is back up and running! yaaaay....300 dollars later least i have the gratification of knowing that i did it myself.
i have also made it a point to go to the renaissance faire up in bristol next weekend before it parents went with my little sister today and said it was a fabulous time...
on that note...maybe i will try and find some sleep...hope all is well...peace