Sep 17, 2008 00:37
I am only posting because I absolutely love this icon *-*
Life's been okay for the most part, nothing insane, etc. etc.
I really hurt my toe, possibly broke it, last week so I've been limping around a lot. I am only having a hard time with this because I am way too impatient to let myself heal and I've been walking around non-stop lately >.>
Oh yah, I found a turtle running across a 4 lane highway on Saturday. We ended up bringing her home since the poor thing was so dried up and hungry. She seems happy having water to swim in and rocks to climb up on and she also really loves dried krill =o We still have no idea why she was where she was. She must have escaped from someone's home or a pet store or something along those lines x.x
Note: They have Domo-kun stuffs at Target. He's their mascot for their Halloween stuff this year ^-^ I got a little bag filled with Domo-kun caaandy bracelets, it made me verra happy <3
I am so tired anymore, work is slowly draining me. I am constantly being hounded to call people who will need to schedule their kids' appointments for a 6 month check up in OCTOBER. My boss is almost incessant about it and it's really making me crazy. It doesn't seem to matter how I decided to do things, I'm apparently supposed to fit in calling like 20 people a day into the rest of my day of hecticness. Yes, because I don't have quite enough people to call to confirm appointments, I need to add to thaaat -.- I told her that I will do the recalls on thursday but like I said, it doesn't matter what I decided even after they told me that it was "up to me." Between her and my throbbing toe, I seriously wanted to go walk into traffic this afternoon -.-
I need a day or two to sleep through and I'll be fine, that's all ^-~