So I`m visiting home but not too much to say. Mom pretty much went ahead and purchased plane tickets without asking me whether or not the time period was alright. Oh well. My professors are all being pretty nice about it.
Got an eye exam, my teeth cleaned, and my physical. All of things I can do in Japan, but whatever. Hadn`t been to the dentist in 3 years, but no cavities, so yay. The physical went pretty normal...except they say I grew taller, which is kind of weird. I was 5`5" (65in/165cm) forever and they say I`m 66.5in (169cm). Last year they said I was half an inch taller than I should`ve been and shrugged it off to them measuring wrong. Of course I wasn`t wearing shoes or anything and my feet aren`t calloused. So maybe it`s a case of improved posture? ...Because I weight train or whatever my torso is a little more stretched out? I`ve heard that doing squats in proper form can do that I do do squats, so... But the nurse said that it sometimes happens--people growing a bit more in their 20s. But I`m 28. I asked my chiropractor about it and he also said that it sometimes happens and not to worry about it. So I`m no longer 5`5" but 5`6"ish I guess.
Of course being able to see family and the pets is great, but there isn`t too much to do besides shop. I`ve probably had my fill of foods I can`t get in Japan, but I wasn`t really craving anything to begin with...well, maybe Chobani`s Greek yogurt... I`ve been in the US for a full week and I think I`m losing my appetite. This happened last year and I ended up losing weight. Oh well, only about a week left before I head back.
As for shopping, made some good purchases. Bought a bunch of jeans and leggings from Express, including a purple pair. I know in Japan not too long ago people used to (and some still do) think that purple clothing is related to 欲求不満 (yokkyuu fuman) ie (sexual) frustration, but I don`t care. I actually really like purple and red, even if they are difficult colors to wear. I actually don`t own much clothing that is purple or red, though.
But yeah, some good purchases. Gotta love stores likes Ross, TJMax, and Marshall`s. Sometimes it takes a while to find stuff, but you can get some really nice medium-ranged brand things for a fraction of their original prices. I also got some nice flats at Target on discount. But Target clothing has gotten expensive, WTF. $60 for an dress that looks okay but of average quality? Yeah, I don`t think so.
I shopped at Forever21 for the 1st time. I remember sometimes venturing inside back years ago, when they first started to pop up, but that was only because the friend I was shopping with wanted to shop there. Today was actually the first time I went in for myself and actually bought something. I didn`t buy much--shorts, a flowy button down top, a cropped black lapel-free blazer, and a short lace dress.
Concerning living in Japan, I think apparel is one of the more difficult things. A lot of things don`t fit me right in the US and it`s even worse in Japan.