Jan 05, 2006 11:56
Hi all! Sorry I haven't updated in so long, but I've had my own things to do.
Just to let you know, I have a new email which Im planning on using for MSN messeneger. tankshelltohell@hotmail.co.uk.
So for the sake of self, please email me by this address, not bazman@mail2cool.com or chronoshift@mail2world.com
New Year was a lot of fun! Me and a couple of mates (Jake, Tom) chilled the night away with soooo much fuckin green! (And Strongbow) We were so wrecked, we ended up recording an interview with a can of strongbow. Heres how it went:
Jake>(Incohherent rambling)
Tom>We haven't even got anywhere!
Jake>Dude! It's like everythings green and I'm there!
Tom>(Incoherrent Rambling)
Baz>Oh shut up, let me try it. Ok, this is Basil doing an interview with a Can of strongbow, 'ello Strongbow, how ya doing?
Jake>.........ehhhh...........urrrrrr.......ummmmmm......I'm not very good at talking, what...
Tom>Dude! Interview me! I'm a bottle of Becks Beer, I'm way more interesting.
Tom>(Incoherrent mumbling)
Baz>Piss off.............................PISS OFF
Jake>For some strange reason I'm a dog...even though I'm a cat!
Baz>Aw, come on dude anythings possible!....ANYTHING IS Possible! Think about it!
Tom>WiTH yOUr MiND!
Baz>Right....who the fuck is this guy here...?
Tom>(Small Voice) Interview the becks beer man!...
Jake>If you want to contact someone about me, write a leeter to Strongbow, Hereford, HR4 E56.
Copyright...oh no, that's who they are.
And if you go on strongbow@woolworths.co.uk you can talk to them on the INTERNET!
Which is some sort of world wide web that...that circulates the world, and like catches animal with its web!
And it just flys around the world and catches people, and people are like "SHIT!". It's the world wide web come to get me!
Baz>Ok, the interview with the Strongbow has gone slightly wrong...