Long time sence I last posted ha...

Sep 27, 2010 20:29

I have to say that I am sorry about the lack of post that I have made over the past months.

Once again over the summer there is very little for me to post about as I do spend most of my time sitting in front of the computer doing nothing but RPing, MSNing and other stupid little things that just seems pointless to post about, in fact I don't think I would even have the energy to tweet about them if I wasn't so againt twitting in the first place.

As for work, well. I can't really keep the rage I some times feel at work to keep going all the way for the work day, to the 45 minture drive home, turning in my computer and then posting it into the internet for everyone to see. Sorry but by that point the rage train has left the rage center and has run out of rage power and is just tired and waits to craw into bed.

But other then chilling in the computer and raging at the stupid people I have to work with I really having don't much other then LARPing about two times a month, trying to watch Dragonball Z Kai, now working throw the 12 books of the Vampire Hunter D collections I got for half price today yay stupid college students asking the local comic store to get then and then never buying them so the store has an epic manga sale for a total of $70 compaired to the $140.

Also I have been playing a bit of Xbox and can I just say that I love Assassin Creed? Desmond Miles, Altair, Ezio  and in game Leonardo are just great. And for once I know what I am going as for halloween as I already have most of the costume put together, just need to figure out how to make the weapon work. Thank goodness for internet guides, I am sure there one out there already for this.

Well I best be getting off before I start to ramble more. I hope to have more updates soon. Hopefuly I will get off my ass and finially start writing the back stories of my LARP charcters soon and have then posted here so I don't loss them as well as pictures of my in my halloween costume... because halloween is just another reason to cosplay.


assassin creed, cosplay, dbz, larp, vampire hunter d

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