What's been going in...

May 21, 2013 12:32

So summer vaction has once again started up and I have more hours in the week then I know what I can do with. And isn't that odd to say while I am still working a 30 hour work week, but I guess that is what happens when you down grade for 60 hours.

Most of the time I am hanging out at home watching TV, playing games or trying to get my self to start reading some of the many books that I have pilled up. Pretty much its the nice calm and chill days of doing nothing before I try and find a job that could replace the one I work at the college.

Alright, I know I should be looking for something that isn't pretty much seasonal work but between the two jobs (both really kind of seasonal but they their season fit so well) things have been going well and I have been able to pay down a lot of the bills. I mean really unless I get a job that pays about $12 an hour I would still be falling behind in paying the bills off in advance. But that is just how money goes and loans are evil.

But that is live, and if you wish to follow it more or see the fandom side of it feel free to follow my tumblr account. I will admit I have been using it lot more then LJ or DW's those days.

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