-giggles insanely-

May 29, 2010 01:13

I am so silly. My city just added its 12th 'stealth' police car. A stealth car is almost completely unmarked, its lights are hidden and its letter is subbed on its side so you wouldn't see it unless next to it. I think that brings it to about 15 stealth cars in the 'area'. But what has me giggling like crazy is I know of at least 3 stealth dodge chargers that scream PROWL! A smaller police force of a 'inner' city in the city are buying new cars, all of them brand new dodge chargers. That's becoming common now. But what I'm posting about is the new SPORTS car they just added. A brand new Camaro. First Prowl, now I have Bumblebee patroling the streets!! Only difference, no strips and he is sliver. Our 'stealth' cars are not usually used for catching speeder, they're main purpose these days are catching aggressive drivers, I think my city ranks in the top ten nation wide. But can you blame me for getting a giggling fit?


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