Aug 25, 2009 19:07
First class was math and I found out something that royally pisses me off. The teacher has written her own book and is providing it to us free of charge so she can 'test it' and the school was suppose to have "no book needed" with the computer source on materials for class. I bought the book they listed earlier this month remember? $140 wasted and because of their stupid return policy changes I am unsure if I will see that money back tomorrow when I go to school to try it. That wasn't the only thing. My research paper book is the WRONG one, its the wrong edition and I have to have the correct one because MLA decided to change for the first time in 20 years. That's $40. So two books are wrong because of the school bookstore's data base of "required materials" list was incorrect the entire summer. Lovely. That's $180 I could REALLY have used this month. Oh and I had to put $80 on my credit card this morning buying a rolling backpack because even when the book mistake is fixed my backpack can't hold everything I need in the semester. I need to carry my Japanese, math, literature, research paper, text plus Japanese and English dictionaries. That would fill my carry backpack to capacity and weight about 30+lbs. It would not include my bookwork, materials, spirals, folders, loose paper, and notes for each class. So I'm going to put all the text materials in the rolling backpack and everything else in my carry backpack and even then its still gonna weight about ten or so pounds on my back.
That isn't the end of it. We are in fact having to move from our current office in the portable. They're moving us to the stage in the cafiteria that is looked what so ever and no closet to store supplies. If it doesn't look up like a filing cabinet it will be out in the open for someone to sneak in and take. We are seriously worried about this. We're going to be using our cars as mini offices but that still greatly limits what we can and can't do with the kids... It is a serious problem on so many levels.
I already have homework, I have to write a 4 paragraph essay due Thurs and math review due next Tues. I need to go over the in book review and figure the hell out of it before Thurs. It turns out its just me and another student who are left and my teacher is not being paid, out money goes solely to 'earning' the class should we pass. -sighs-
college life