odd places now the norm

Apr 18, 2009 21:01

"my father says racist shit all the time

he hates these ones and those ones and

he takes care of me and my mother"

50% disgruntled and spiteful, wondering when people are gonna stop with the bs
50% pumped, because in 9 days im going to be somewhere completely different, getting stung by scorpions, and working with people that i know dont have any bs and are a bajillion times more mature than the folk on the peripheries that are bothering me here, and i wish i could surround myself with them because theyre awesome and wonderful and beautiful creatures.

its bothersome. i have a bunch of school work to do, and a bunch of EWB work to do. i want to do the EWB work, and i dont want to do the school work. i know i should be doing the school work first. therefore i wind up doing nothing, because these feelings even out to a net sum of "fuck off and do nothing"

im going to montreal after my last exam. literally, right after. like, im going to put my pencil down, walk to the parking lot, and then drive to montreal. my friend Alisha might come with, which would make me super happy. Im hoping to meet up with my friend Charlotte one last time before I leave, hopefully to see her again in 3 and a half months in Tamile. another awesome, wonderful and beautiful creature. some people think saying they wish the entire world were like someone would be boring, but i suspect if everyone were charlotte the world would be a better place.

ive acquired a laptop, not quite the laptop i want (it is missing crazy red decals on the top) but a very nice machine none the less. theres something sexy about a plain sleek black top. I have a gel art decal that goes on top anyways. my brother installed pretty much the most insane sound editing software in the world on there, i think its called Reason? it has like 2 dozen different systems in it: synth, drum machine, keyboard, plus a bunch of editing stuff, filters etc. i can make some techno in my spare time in Ghana, basically.

also, after visiting... 7 stores? ive found a hat that almost kinda more or less fits my ginormous head. its about as close as im gonna get i guess. if i had gone to hawaii with my mom last year id probably have been able to find a nice hat there. granted i wouldnt have known id needed it, but still. if youre wondering why i didnt go, it was because it was during the radiohead concert in montreal, and i decided radiohead was more important. my brother thought i was crazy, my sister understood completely.
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