Pics: SPN S6 finale + plants + other random things

Aug 07, 2011 05:38

Okay, I just never got around to posting any of these and figured I may as well do it now since I got all my pics off my old phone.

First of all, maybe you noticed I take any excuse to make cakes and things (which doesn't make a lot of sense because I don't even eat cake, but that's how it is).

So of course I made a cake for the season six finale.

I don't have tons of artistic talent, especially painting with food coloring on fondant, so basically there is a silhouette here:

And didn't it look nice and smooth when I did it? It bubbled up over night and I had to poke holes in the fondant and try to get the air out, so the completed cake ended up looking not as nice:

Okay, and here is where I took things a little more extreme. Because I was all hey, wouldn't it be awesome to have SPN themed cookies? But where would I get SPN cookie cutters!? Oh, all right, I will make them myself.

So basically I had to figure out some things related to SPN that would be easy to make into cookie cutter shapes. Then I went and spent days working on these things like a totally ridiculous person, and I ended up with fifty-four cookies because I didn't know how many the recipe would make, and then I had a billion cookies and most of my family was all... oh, thanks for these dozen oddly themed cookies...

ANYWAY, I was actually pretty proud of these, even if I do often wonder what is my life that I dedicate this kind of time to cookies I won't even eat. (Though I did actually eat a few of these because I just couldn't not after all that.)

I wish I had taken a pic of the big pile of cookies, but I just got one of the best from each shape:

Also, this random picture of the SPN keychains I made was on my phone, and I don't think I posted it before, so here:

I guess I haven't posted any pics of my plants lately (and they're actually looking totally awful lately, I just hope they make it through the summer), but here are some old ones.

First of all, Castiel (who I maybe have never mentioned; my grandma had a couple of plants she just didn't feel like taking care of so she gave them to me, and since I already had Sam and Dean, they are Castiel and Bobby (my mom named Bobby when I didn't know what to name him. Because obviously what to name your plant is always a major issue)), decided to grow a flower:

Eventually (and a billion pictures I won't make you look at later), the flower bloomed:

Then more flowers kept blooming! They would bloom in about 1-2 days, then die as the next one in line was blooming. I have trillions of pictures of flowers mid-bloom, but here is one after a lot had bloomed:

After all the flowers bloomed and closed back up, he started growing an entire new line of flowers:

I ended up cutting them all off before I transplanted everybody because it was taking too much energy.

And here is everyone before transplanting:

After transplanting, looking a bit worse for wear (most of them just got bigger pots, but Dean was split up into several other pots because he was really several crowded plants. Sam is also several crowded plants, but his roots are so entangled that I couldn't separate them):

A while after I transplanted them, I noticed a baby plant growing in Bobby's pot. When it got big enough to actually see, I realized it was a sundew. Bobby is a venus flytrap. So clearly this is Castiel's baby, but he ended up in Bobby's pot somehow. It's not really surprising, Castiel got his flowers everywhere.

Baby sundew:

He was so tiny and adorable! But did not make it through the summer heat :(

And now for non-SPN related things.

First up I've got some pics from Easter. We celebrate Easter at my grandma's and have this egg decorating contest, and this was mine.

This m&m eats other m&m's:

This poor m&m is understandably upset to be in a bowl with cannibal!m&m:

And a couple of (really poor quality) pictures of Roxas.

Reading my text book:

Warning me not to turn the page:

Viciously attacking when I didn't listen to the warning:

And finally, an entirely random picture taken in Wal-Mart:

Because I just don't know what's going on here. Is bigfoot just endorsing this product as a celebrity, or are they trying to tell me this product is made out of bigfoot? Regardless, I did not buy this.


holidays, spn, pictures, sam&dean are plants, roxas, random

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