Oct 12, 2007 20:24
Finally its weekend. After having a day that began at eight and ended around at the same time in the evening I'm back home and finally its WEEKEND! YES! *celebrates* Now if I had only had a few more days to clean up until Sunday, where we will play Shadowrun at my place ... Oh well.
One of the buildings in our university had to be evacuated today, after the fire alert went off at around quarter to nine. I am not sure what it was, but either it was because someone let a toast in the toaster for a bit too long, triggering the fire alert this way, or the toasted decided to go up in flames or it was, what I think it was since they had to evacuate the same building yesterday too, the fire alert system is malfunctioning, triggering the alert at random times.
What else happened today so far? Well I got stuck on the fifth floor in an elevator, also at my university (For a university that calls itself "University of applied sciences" we have an odd number of system malfunctioning here ...). It just refused to open its doors, but luckily still worked aside from that and moved down one level, when I pressed the button for the fourth floor so we could leave there, then walk up one floor to the fifth again.
Aside from those things my day has been pretty boring. I was told by my mom that I seem to have infected half of the family with my flu at my nieces birthday on Monday since everyone else is now ill too. What was that again about "Misery loves company"? ;) Oh yeah and my stepdad is recovering quite fine, thank god. He will just have to go into rehabilitation soon, but I'm sure he will make it.