People ...

Oct 09, 2007 19:24

You know ... Sometimes I wonder what people are all about? I mean seriously. One day they say "Oh! You're such a good friend. I like you very much." and the next day all I hear is "Geeez man! You are that awful! Go away! Shoo!"

Honestly ... What's wrong with people today?

I wrote already about that "person" I met last year somewhen around that time on Thursday and what kind of game he plays. Well the saga continues.

You see a few days ago I had asked my old RPG group, if they'd like to return to Shadowrun 3.0 after playing D&D for half a year and constantly ending up with loooong discussions during our gametime while in Shadowrun everything was fine. Said acquaintance from Thursday was also asked and he said "Oh of course" and so on. So I contacted all players and set up an appointment on Saturday at around one O'clock. No big thing. Since one of my players is currently not in Berlin except for the weekends I dropped him an E-Mail and send him an SMS. I never got a reply on that, except on the EMail which I got today. It said: "Oh, well, this round causes me stress I don't like so I set this group to a low priority and will join you when other groups are not playing. Don't get me wrong, part of this stress was my fault, but still ..."

Now - Since I know, that said DM from Thursday wants to DM this Saturday as well thanks to my acquaintance who is in the same group, I'd be a fool not to know where he will be gaming this Saturday. Even if that acquaintance said "Oh no. That DM has already been canceled", but then said "Uhm could we shift that over to Sunday please? I got lots of things to do on Saturday.". Well I don't want to judge upon anything, but this is kind of suspicious, isn't it? So why lie?

And again another RPG group of me dies, as usual within a year ... I wonder how people can have groups that last for years? People give up upon each other far too fast today.

Aside from that I'm fine. I had to write another highly important exam on Friday from four O'clock to six O'clock and will get the results next Thursday. Saturday I was at a campfire among with some other furs and Sunday I was playing Vampire while being really sick since I managed to catch a flu, which is, thank god, far better today.

So far from me.
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