It's been a while since I wrote anything substantial here, so here's a little commentary on the news I've been interested in lately.
wind farm in California has come online and is putting out a massive amount of power.
Why can't we do this kind of thing in Ohio? The technology works, the construction will create jobs, and less dependency on mid-east oil can't be a bad thing. I'd have to drive to Indiana to find wind farms, I mean it's not like Ohio needs to be any more flat.
Perhaps, more minds will change, people will demand action from their leaders, and something will actually get done once
this report is finalized. I say screw the cautious language go ahead and be an alarmist, as long as the claims are backed up with sound scientific evidence, anyone that argues against it comes off looking like an idiot. But who am I kidding, the world is full of idiots, especially the U.S.
Conservatives in America are not going to want to do anything to fight climate change since trillions
of dollars worth of oil have been found in Australia. Great, there goes the planet. Can we finally stop seeing oil as a substance that needs to be refined and used?! There are better ways to get energy and we have the technology, so....what's the problem?
A lot of conservatives and other nut-jobs on the right wing have been complaining for the longest time about the “entitlement society”. Well if they've finally learned how to read, they'll be dismayed to find that a
new report from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities shows that over 90% of entitlement benefits go to people who are elderly, seriously disabled, or members of working households - not to able-bodied, working-age Americans who simply choose not to work.
Full report here Yeah conservatives love trying to cut social programs. But that won't happen if Rep. Keith Ellison has anything to say about it. He said
the only cuts to welfare, should be corporate welfare.
Video here In stark contrast to the stated ideals of the neo-capitalist, pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps crowd, conservatives, the champions of the “job-creating” one percent are either not mentioning or are perfectly okay with the
biggest banks becoming now even bigger. The question really should be “how big is 'too big to fail'?” There seems to be no ceiling on the abstract idea of how “big” a bank, or any business for that matter, can become. No company or corporation should be so big that it can monopolize an entire industry or sector of the economy. One of the biggest offenders, AIG, is even so pompous as to claim damages and attempt to sue the government for damages. Thankfully, we have heroes like Elizabeth
Warren out there, putting them in their place. People like her are fighting for the average, working American; so why do the tea-baggers hate her so much?
Speaking of Tea Party nut-cases, the “grassroots” group that started it all,
FreedomWorks, has proven ties to big money donors according to leaked documents.
Newsflash, many are not in the least bit surprised.
Aaron Swartz
Probably one of the saddest stories in recent memory, a hacker, activist, and hero to many including myself, has fallen.
There is just too much about this story to write myself, and I wouldn't do it justice. All I want to simply say is that it makes me sad, angry, and to take up the same cause as Aaron.
Please read all these:
Aaron Swartz commits suicide The Prosecution of Aaron Swartz: Sharing Knowledge Is a Greater Crime Than Bringing Down the Economy Anonymous hacks MIT after Aaron Swartz's suicide
Anonymous Plans to Defend Aaron Swartz's Funeral from Westboro Baptist Church Protests 10 Awful Crimes That Get You Less Prison Time Than What Aaron Swartz Faced I conceal my identity the same way Aaron was indicted for Also a great video about the bias in
the media by the Liberal Viewer:
Click to view
the war on information needs to stop
Finally, lets end on a comedic note