In the next couple of days I plan to post a couple fics here (that are from
fs_exchange and then possibly create a masterlist. So just...sorry in advance for the spam?
All I've done for the past week is talk to people about Inception. Except for when I was at work, and then I just wrote porn in my head. Um. Anyway. Actually, I've spent most of my week
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I didn't realise that Ellen Page was Canadian until now. /o\ I can't tell the difference between American and Canadian accents, so I'm always surprised when someone turns out to be Canadian. Are there big tells I could learn about? Like, pronunciation-wise and such?
Also, we say 'eh?' instead of 'huh?' or 'hey?'
Ah, I've the jokes about that. ;)
Dude, I am not going to hold it against you; I am appallingly bad with accents. I'd say that I agree with michanna, for sure, about the O. Also apparently people think we say "aboot" instead of "about"? And that we say "house" funny. Basically our OU sound is weird, apparently. Um...we do actually say "eh" a fair amount as well. Plus there are just certain words that are different, but that's not helpful accent-wise, exactly.
Basically I'd just say that it's tough because accents change regionally anyway (more so in the US than Canada) so it's never going to be totally obvious. (But please do not ever confuse my accent with a Texan one; that'd be weird.)
Meh, I think Americans say a whole lot of things very oddly.
Oh, definitely. And of course not! I can totally tell a Southern American accent, they're hilarious and I kind of love them. ;D
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